Thursday, February 9, 2012

Who is actually ADolf Hitler?

Hello guys..
Today I would like to share with you about Adolf Hitler , ..the side of Adolf Hitler that maybe most of us don't know about it.. I'm not sure whether you all have read this before but I just want to share since I found this  interesting topic about Hitler.. For those who had read this , please comment so we can discuss further about him or the great leader whom applied holocaust during manage the country...

When for the first time I read this page , I'm shocked because I knew Adolf Hitler has known as a cruel person and dictator leader who applied Holocaust that have killed millions of Jews. But when I read this, I feel " owh, really.. I thought he just know how to order his army to kill people and doesn't care about other religions especially Islam as we knew that he start making the holocaust after studied the previous history  of Islam countries."

Emmm, this thing has change my thought a little bit. From my opinion, yes, maybe from his appearance or his world, he is a cruel person but we don't know what is exactly he think and why he acted like that. Something might be happen to him that gave big impact in his life that inspire him to be cruel and have bad perceptions towards JEWS. As example from my reading, I had read that his mother was died because of cancer and before she die, she received a treatment for cancer from a Jews doctor where the doctor used the medicine contains dangerous chemicals. From this example, I can understand why Hitler hate Jews so much and in addition, he has faced with problems in his life involving the Jews that could be encourage him to hate them.

Maybe many of people disagree with me when I said that Hitler is kind but maybe it truth that he is a kind person. Why I say he is a kind person? Well, we as human don't have any right to judge people only based on their attitude or appearance because sometimes what we saw is not all the truth.We must understand them first why they act like that, just like Hitler. Maybe yes, that's truth he had killed a millions of people without any sympathy but we also must find out why he acted like that. Maybe there's something that influenced or inspire him to do it. Or maybe that's the only way for him to show to the world what exactly have in his mind.

I think that's all for now.. if there anyone who not agree with my opinion, you can give your comment here..
Yr comments are welcome here...:)


  1. yes me too I don't expect Hitler like that.. I thought he is a genius man and I didn't know about other side of him. I mean the bad side of Hitler. But well as human being all people are actually bad because all of us doing mistakes right?We also have done something bad/evil/maybe cruel to something or anything in our life right..So in Hitler case, he might be genius but he might have his own agenda by doing that.But what makes me wondering is why most of genius people are involved in a negative way?They should be in a correct way as they have a brilliant mind..isnt it?

  2. emmmm, for me , maybe he has his own reason why he do that. Sometime we cannot predict what other people will do especially from the genius because they are too difficult for us to understand. Genius people are not always perfect and clever as we thought because they also a human same like us. They life just same like us if we notice it but what make them different from us just their position in society. We cannot put all the blame on them because sometime they might feel pressure when all people put higher expectation on them. I think it is not easy too for them to be known as genius, don't you think so? :)
