Sunday, April 1, 2012

Working with Arguments

Inductive Reasoning vs Deductive Reasoning

We hear arguments of all kinds throughout the day. But not all of us knew that there are different kinds of arguments exist in our life. How we want working with the arguments?

There are two type of arguments which are Inductive reasoning and Deductive reasoning.
What is Inductive reasoning ?
Inductive reasoning is start from specific to general. For example taken from CL reading book, when detectives arrive at the scene of a crime, the first thing they do is look for clues that can help them find  the evidence to find out what exactly happened. A broken window, for example might suggest how a burglar entered or excited.Likewise, the fact that an intruder didn't disturb anything but a painting that hid a safe might suggest that the burglar knew exactly where the safe was hidden. And this, in turn suggest that the burglar knew the victim.
This process described above is inductive reasoning. It consists of making observations and then drawing conclusions based on those observations. 
Deductive Reasoning
While for Deductive reasoning,it does the opposite, it generally moves from a conclusion to the evidence for that conclusion. In deductive reasoning, the conclusion will come first and we must determine whether or not the conclusion is valid.

What are the differences between Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning?
It may seem that inductive arguments are weaker than deductive arguments because there must always remain the possibility of their arriving at false conclusions, but that is not entirely true. With deductive arguments, our conclusions are already contained, even if implicitly, in our premises. This means that we don't arrive at new information - at best, we are shown information which was obscured or unrecognized previously. Thus, the sure truth-preserving nature of deductive arguments comes at a cost.
Inductive arguments, on the other hand, do provide us with new ideas and thus may expand our knowledge about the world in a way that is impossible for deductive arguments to achieve. Thus, while deductive arguments may be used most often with mathematics, most other fields of research make extensive use of inductive arguments.
Other than that, Inductive reasoning is more detail while Deductive reasoning is more focus on the overview which it see the whole picture and specific evidence  related to the picture because in Deductive reasoning, it started with conclusion first and supported by evidence. In our live, we can apply this kind of argument to differentiate the personality of men and women. How? Just look at the definition of Inductive reasoning, it stated that focus on the evidence and followed by conclusion which means that it look for more detail same with women. Women like with detail things or more focus on the evidence before come up with a conclusion. It it natural for women to be detail because of women needs evidence that can build trust in their self compared to men that most likely love to look at just on the overview. Men like to see everything or overview because their life is so simple not like a women. Men don't put any burden on them to find out the details because details just make their life feel bored. 
As a conclusion, men and women totally different from each other and that's why we have a title of men and women. With Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning , it help us to working well with arguments and we can recognize whether that particular premise is valid or invalid.

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