Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dark Sides of Steve Jobs

Is it true Steve Job was a bad person? Even he had died , his name still become a hot topic today because many secret of his past life revealed. Let us explore more on Dark Sides of Steve Job.

For the person who is beyond all the praise, an ideal for millions, there exists shady dark sides. Everyone respect him for being the biggest innovator of the century with his electronics creation. But its true, no one is perfect.
Steve Jobs official biography talks about several dark sides of Steve Jobs, which none of us probably heard about it before. He was believed capable of incredible cruelty, total self-delusion, ruthless competitiveness, arrogance and beehive of stealing ideas. It's probably the most raw profile the world has ever seen on Jobs- for better or for the worse.
There are many dark sides of Steve Jobs has been discovered by his friends which were:

1. Copy innovation
    Steve Jobs was believed had copied from other idea and applied it as his own innovation, he just add some   new features to it but the truth is that's not his own innovation.

2. Steal the credit, and never be humble
    Steve Jobs was famous for stealing the credit of his subordinates. Apple's famous designer, Jonathan Ive,was frustrated because Steve was constantly taking credit for his ideas.

3. Bad son, poor father
    This may be on the personal side,  but its not to be ignored. Steve Jobs never met his biological father.
    In 1978, Steve Jobs had a daughter (his first) with Chrisann Brenann, a painter. Jobs adamantly refused     paternity, though a judge ultimately forced Jobs to pay support.
     When Lisa was young, Steve as her father, almost never came to see her. ' I didn't want to be a father, so I wasn't,' Jobs said, with only a touch of remorse in his voice.
Based on the above, do you think Steve Jobs is really a bad person who like to do all the things had listed.
If it was true, do you believe with all the bad statement wrote about him? In my opinion, maybe it is true he had all the bad personality during he still alive but I don't think I should trust it hundred percent because everyone can wrote anything as they want without the credible evidence. Maybe there have some people who might be jealous with his successful in live. So, don't easily judge other people based on other people opinion or statement because sometime their assumption are not 100% true. Yes, it is true not everyone is perfect but believe me, there must be a reason why some people do bad thing in their life.

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