Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Who is Jack the Ripper?

Jack the Ripper is believed to be the most famous serial killer in the history. In the fall of 1888, he stalked the impoverished Whitechapel district of London, brutally taking the lives of five prostitutes within a three-month period. Hundred of book have been written about the killer, many authors deeming to have solved the long-standing debate over his true identity, yet despite these Jack the Ripper theories, the case remains unsolved until today.
The residents of the Whitechapel district accused the police of being incompetent and many to this day criticize them for not catching the brutal killer. The reality is that the investigation methods available at the time didn't provide the police with a great advantage where the murders occurred before forensic science and fingerprinting. The only way for the police to prove someone committed a murder was by catching them in the act or through their own confession. But who wants to admit their own criminal when they knew they will get punished for the crime.
Despite the limited forensic science methods available at the time, investigators were able to gain general physical description of Jack the Ripper from alleged eyewitness accounts. The serial killer was believed to be a white male, between 20 and 40 years of age, well dressed, average or below average height and possibly a foreigner. Other than that, the investigators also believed that through the examination of the victim's wound, they come out with the conclusion that he was right-handed and did have some medical expertise. Furthermore, Jack the Ripper was believed that he worked a regular job because all the victims were found on the weekend in the early morning hours and he was single ( he could stay out all night without being questioned).
From the investigations, certain suspects have gained more attention than others have which some pointed out by investigators on the case, and others made famous much later through the media. The investigators have identify five suspects that list as the top five as Jack the Ripper. Five of them were Montague John Drutt, Aaron Kosminski, Michael Ostrog, George Chapman and Prince Albert.

From my opinion, the most suspected as Jack the Ripper was George Chapman. Why I choose him as the killer? Based on my reading, I found that George Chapman has all the criteria of being Jack the Ripper. First reason is George Chapman was live in Whitechapel district during the time of the murders. This showS the strong evidence to support my point. He worked as barber assistant in Whitechapel district during the time and his shop was  near the murder location. It also has been proven by the Post Office London Directory of 1889 which had listed his residence in the fall of 1888 during the Ripper murders. This data shows that he has great chance to do the murder without other people realize it.

Second reason is Chapman also had experience as a surgeon and had well knowledge on medical. Besides, he was known as violent and homicidal towards women. These facts have been supported by his own wife named Lucy Klosowski. She almost got killed by his husband when they had a quarrel with Chapman. But she lucky because during the time, a customer suddenly entered the shop and stop Chapman from continue doing his act. Lucy also said that she found a knife that looked like a weapon use to kill the five prostitutes.
Furthermore, Abberline the investigator also labeling George Chapman as a likely suspect. 
As conclusion, I believe that George Chapman was Jack the Ripper. Why? I choose him because there have a lot of evidences that pointed out him as the most suspected as Jack the Ripper. He has all the characters to become a murder and fulfill the physical description of Jack the Ripper from alleged eyewitness accounts.

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