Thursday, February 9, 2012



The Pianist - one of the movie that had move my feeling into it. The life of a pianist during the world war and how can he survive after has through many difficult moment separate with his family. From the beginning of the movie, it seems not really interesting but when I keep watching it carefully and try to put myself in his place, I just can understand the feeling of being alone and need to be careful every time and every second to survive in the situation. Through the pianist, I can feel how hard he tried to keep his spirit for not let down and not give up with his life even though in the situation of war, he can be killed anytime.

One thing for sure, his passion or his interested in music has help him to survive which the music or the melody of the piano he played had gave him inspiration and strength to continue his life.  From the beginning of the movie, we can see how his brother always condemn him about his interest to piano but at last the piano had save his life from being killed by the captain of the army.
The captain was among the army under the dictator leader which were Adolf Hitler. All of us knew that Adolf Hitler was a cruel and had order to kill all the Jews in the country but still the captain who had caught the pianist at the desolate wasteland of bricks and rubble. Even when the Captain found him at the place but he didn't kill the pianist when he knows that he was the pianist.Hosenfeld or the captain had moved by Szpilman's playing, helps him survive and allowing him to continue hiding in the attic even after the house is established as the Captain's headquarters. Hosenfeld eventually abandons the house with his staff when the Russian army draws closer to Warsaw. Hosenfeld gives the pianist a final parcel of food and his overcoat. From here we can conclude that, not all the nazi is bad. Deep in their heart sometime have the feeling of not to do what they had to do like to kill the Jews as they knew that not the Jews are bad. From m opinion, the character of the captain has shown us the hidden side that have in their soul or the army. It is truth when someone kill, we call them as a bad person and we need to avoid them but in the reality, they are still a human being. They have feeling of sympathy on other people difficulties and try to help but if the authority about it, they might be punish . This could be the reason why they cannot help the victims or the Jews.

What I'm trying to highlight here is not everyone is perfect. Everyone do a mistake and every mistake that they do will take time to be forgotten. But we have to admit behind all the things happen, there are always have reasons that contribute to another big problem happen. We need to study the reason and evaluate it properly because by knowing the reason, we can give fair judgement and not being bias just for one side. Like people always said, something that easily can be seen is not always the truth. Eyes can always deceive us  but heart cannot lie to us.

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